Funday Thursdays/Family Thursdays

One day late with this post! Will you ever forgive me! I so hope so!

Thursdays are a day in which we go to our favourite squiggles and giggles (website). It’s so great to get out nice and early, to socialise and play and really teach Landon the benefits of routine with other children a little older than himself.

This weeks squiggles and giggles meant mummy was taking both Landon and Wyatt to the playgroup on my own, the difficulty of getting from the car with a toddler who does not walk nicely beside you and a heavy car seat with infant in was not easy! However once inside the safety of playgroup my worries were eased because of course new baby snuggles are loved by all so there are always plenty of offers to snuggle the baby! Leaving me free to run after Landon. Octopus arms are needed with these two out and about without the safety of the icandy double pram.













There’s always just so much for Landon to at with and get into and I’m so much more accepting of the goop and gak and paint and glue than at the start of our squiggles and giggles journey. I know that as long as he keeps those hands off my clothes I can forgive him for any state he gets into. They’re only clothes and its only skin, easy washable. I really do rate messy play. I’m becoming so much more of an “earth” mother than I ever thought possible.

Our Thursday routine is usually followed with a quick trip to greggs and matalan where I park beside and then we head over to my grandmas because she looks after my two cousins, Caiden 4 and Sophie 18 months and its great t get some time for the kids to play and enjoy their family. Yesterday we took them to a soft play near us and its great because they just run free as its quite a compact softplay perfect for us as it was nearly empty and we could sit right in the middle of the main frame where we could see them and still enjoy a sit down and a drink and snuggles with Wyatt.









Sophie, 18 months is just so adorable with Wyatt she actually cried when I took him back to feed him! So sweet. I find little girls are so lovely with babies.

I fed using my nursing cover today! Bebe au lait could be my new best friend. Oh oh oh. My “breast friend” I’m so easily amused!!! Excuse the cringey pout, I couldn’t take myself seriously doing a “selfie” in a public place.


I also had my shoe order arrive from Kurt Geiger! Ahhhhhhh bliss! πŸ™‚ look at that! Some yummy creeping in!



Here’s to another happy week πŸ™‚ and here’s to the weekend!! Enjoy everyone



Busy adventures of a rambunctious 13 month old

Whichever way you swing it, a mummy’s day at toddler groups and baby outings is usually an excellently devised ploy for “mummy socialisation”. Usually we get other mummies involved, get chit chatting and make effort into meeting new mummies! Selfish isn’t it? Definitely not, I’m not feeling very guilty about it, my son gets to enjoy himself in a plethora of locations all catered specifically to his cognitive and motor skill development with themes and colors and appropriate little activities and mummy gets to feel normal! In a crowd of people who know the score, the other mummies (a breed different from childless women who have time to draw on their faces with pristine detail, not the crayon style squiggle I manage to throw on each morning) all understand that sometimes it takes three attempts to get your pants on the right way, sometimes; it’s impossible to contemplate drinking for fear of H.I.T ( hangovers with toddler) this breed of people, the mummies are a great resource for moaning, worrying and endless chatting, they also won’t mind when you can’t really be bothered with dress shopping but would rather have a looksie in mamas and papas or mother care.

Today we had one of those days, we visited Squiggles and Giggles our new favourite haunt on a Thursday, may have been distracted by a shop! And we then went to drop mummies car at the garage, visited our local library to drop off books and attend story and rhyme time with my nephew and sister in law and even had time to go to soft play after!

BEWARE: this ones full of pictures! Over proud mother!

Squiggles and Giggles

Not that I want the place to be so full I lose my place but this really is a fantastic place! Well worth the awards it’s won! The owner, Suzanne really deserves medals! I mean all those children, sticky, covered in goop and paint and pen and making a mess in her lovely set up! Sainthood imminent!

Today’s theme was The Very Hungry Caterpillar πŸ™‚ there was paint! An incredible assortment of “sensory” toys, more like a treasure trove of all the lovely things he’s not allowed at home but can go nuts with at squiggles and giggles πŸ™‚ and he loves it! I love it too! No cleaning up! There was squishy splat bags and caterpillars everywhere! There was a cooking area with pans and lovely green spaghetti all fun to shove hands in! There was crunchy crispies to appease the messy nature of toddlers. All in all it was just such a ball! The other mummies are lovely too. Could be an acquaintance in there or two πŸ™‚













πŸ™‚ here’s a post on recreating some squiggles and giggles creative play ideas at home!


For rainbow rice!

Afterwords the shops found us…. Uh oh! However we did not spend a great deal of money!! Picked up just a few bits for our impending holidays (July) and a little pressie for my goddaughter. All from Matalan. πŸ™‚ not that I looked for me but the kiddies had some fab things in today! Really reasonable where price was concerned! Actually rather bargainous!





Some really fab little pinstripe shorts were only 5 pounds!!!! And the two pack of cotton ones were 4 pound!! What more could you want for clothes that will get sandy, sticky, wet and covered in sunscreen!

The library was fun my nephew enjoyed it particularly a lot more than Landon did, but he will be persuaded that listening is fun eventually! πŸ™‚ he did enjoy the music parts afterwards. And we forgot the camera in the car! No library pictures I’m afraid! 😦

Soft play was a different story! Mad running around like headless child. We tried one we hadnt been to today Landon had oodles of fun there!












The only problem with my son is that even after all of the running and playing he got to do today! It still didn’t wear him out! I’m not sure if anyone has any tips on disciplining/keeping in order a part monkey with the agility and sleuth of a panther cheeky little critter!

However we’re doing excellent on the nap / milk front. No bottles!!! Except for sleepy time. Well within our recommended amount daily as he only has one in the evening for bedtime now and the rest as additives in meals or yesterday he had a milkshake. I wasn’t quite sure I was going to be able to fight the bottles away from him. And today we didn’t even manage a nap! Just a catnap in the car journey. However I’m keen to keep the nap as a grouchy baby is just no fun come 5pm with an hour and a half to go until bath/bed! πŸ™‚

I think it’s safe to say Landon had a fun packed day and can’t wait for his next all about him day!
