Kids with eczema

There is nothing worse than your child not having super soft pinchable skin, they’re so young and innocent and undeserving of bad itching and potentially sore skin. Babies skin is supposed to be peachy, pinky and super soft and huggable.

I knew when Landon developed some dry patches as a newborn that it was inevitable he would develop eczema. As my mum told me I suffered quite badly with it as a baby.

They recommend that you used olive oil at the time, either a standard household type from the cooking cupboard or the special “skin” kind from the pharmacist for about £8.00, a small price to pay to soothe your child’s skin.

That worked for a little while. I maintained a restricted products stand in our home. Nothing that would set his skin off, that meant all the posh baby toiletries we had were useless. And especially anything by Johnson and Johnson, whilst they smell nice and on mosh children with normal non sensitive skin I’m sure it’s great but on my skin and my children’s it’s a catalyst for weeks of itching and dry patches.

As landon got older, despite attempts to keep things as pure as possible, softest most sensitive wipes for bums and only non-biological washing powder and the ‘pure’ versions of fabric softener, his skin got worse. When a health visitor spotted his skin in the latent healing stages after a bout of eczema she was horrified, we thought his skin was great and healing and she was determined it was “really bad” wait until she seen a bad bout!

His skin can go incredibly crusty scaly and sore in places it can scab and he has a constant collar line where the fabric annoys his skin so he itches the dry patches along the collar which in turn form small scabs. We now can only use prescribed bath emollients, special emollient moisturiser and a few steroid creams.

I recently ordered something I had read about and thought about trying called cetaphil. The products are specially formulated for dry skin sufferers. They have arrived today so I can’t wait to put them to the test and chart the success/failures.

The bath wash is £19.99 and the moisturiser is £15.99

I’m willing to give anything a shot for my babies skin.


3 thoughts on “Kids with eczema

  1. I hope Cetaphil works well for the boys — eczema sounds horrid, and I hate it that Landon is suffering so much from it. Do you think this is a hereditary thing?

  2. Hi There,

    I work on behalf of QV skincare, which is a skincare brand that are dedicated to providing all the products needed for soothing dry skin conditions such as eczema, morning noon and night. I came across your blog, and thought that our products would be perfect for you and your child.

    Have you ever tried QV products before? Why not take a look at our product range, they are very reasonably priced, as you mentioned you have previously spent quite a lot on skincare products to help your child. If you have any questions or would like to try our products please don’t hesitate to ask. Contact me either via email or by writing on our Facebook page which is

    Here is the link to our website

    Thank you


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